Sky-reading evening
« Far from being a stranger to the universe, as the existentialists taught us, recent discoveries in astronomy show us our kinship with everything that shines in the sky. We owe it to the stars to have made the atoms that form the molecules of our eyes turned towards them »
(Hubert REEVES)
Situated on a high plateau, the Lac du Pêcher is an ideal place for astronomers, an area as free from light pollution as any other. Whether you’re on a night-time hike with stops to make your observations in a game of hide-and-seek in the heart of the forest, or in static mode, to reconnect with your primordial intelligence and sense of location in the heart of nature, there’s no doubt that a late evening with the head in the stars will add a touch of enchantment to your stay.
Observe the constellations, learn how to read the sky with the naked eye and visit the deep sky for an evening tinged with mythology. In French however.
Every day, all 4 seasons, booking essential.